2024 Balance

I went in search of a word for 2024, expecting it to be something along the lines of "brave", "success", "strive", and so forth. You get the idea, it was all about the new challenges and moving further up and achieving more of my goals. I used a random generator and the first word did not… Continue reading 2024 Balance

Oh hell I’m 50

That crept up on me like a ton of bricks. I mean I have been prepared, kinda. The number doesn't worry me too much - it's the reflection that is going along with it. The feeling that I just don't matter and nothing I have done to this point matters. And why the fuck am I so discontent? I… Continue reading Oh hell I’m 50

Dare you agree to disagree?

I am watching my social media melt into an "us vs them" war. Friendships that have withstood all sorts of storms are crumbling in the face of this new enemy. The divide is so much bigger than race, gender or any other stereotype. This divide is about whether we can agree to disagree. COVID-19 is… Continue reading Dare you agree to disagree?